Friday, April 13, 2012

Engineering Ambassadors visit Montour High School

The Engineering Ambassadors spent their last visit of the semester with Montour High School. Engineering Ambassadors visited 15 classes during their visit from your typical calculus, physics, bio and chem classes, to some unique course offerings such as digital electronics and principles of engineering. Students learned about lasers and their applications, how engineers mimic biology in their designs, and that an Intro to Physics class can make a taller and sturdier marshmallow tower out of spaghetti than their fellow students in AP Physics.

Kanda and Rachel test a student filtration system made from
soil, a coffee filter, sponges, rocks and other materials. 
The Engineering Ambassadors wrapped up their school visit with an assembly that discussed the many career opportunities in Engineering from careers in energy to entertainment. Students then had the opportunity to ask questions about engineering, Penn State, and life as an engineer.

Rachel, Ashley, Kanda, Meghan, Kim, and Eric wrapping up
a successful day with Montour High School!

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