Monday, August 20, 2012

Penn State hosts EA National Workshop

A map of attending institutions, including current partner
schools in yellow and new members in blue.

This summer Penn State hosted the first ever National Engineering Ambassadors Workshop. Attendees included 16 schools from across the country, our current partner schools, and several special guests from industry and academia.  The goal of this workshop was to share the Engineering Ambassador program with other schools interested in either starting their own program or improving an existing ambassador program. Students learned critical communication skills and participated in leadership training while academic advisors learned about how to successfully launch the program.

Student pairs from each school used the new assertion-evidence presentation style to develop a middle or high school presentation on the topic of their choice. Students spent many hours working with mentors from current programs to perfect their presentations and after a day of practice and critiques on Saturday. With Sunday came 20 presentations, from “Engineering the Olympics” to “Robotics in the Movies.”  The audience was delighted and awed, not only with the impressive communication skills, but also with the energy and passion each team showed for sharing their personal love of engineering.